Offloading AFO
If your foot or ankle is unable to withstand forces and pressure our experienced orthotists may recommend an offloading AFO. By redistributing the forces when walking to further up the leg pain and pressure can be reduced.
An Offloading AFO is used to offload the foot and ankle, distributing the forces of walking further up the leg. Often the weight is transferred onto the patella tendon which sits just under the kneecap and is capable of withstanding a lot of pressure.
What are the indications for use of a Offloading AFO?
There are many indications for using a Offloading AFO. These include:
- Conditions requiring offloading
- Fractures of the ankle/foot and heel
- Painful foot/ankle when weight bearing
- Ulcerated skin
- Ulcerated heel
If you are unsure if you would be suitable for a Offloading AFO please contact us to discuss.
What conditions are Offloading AFO often used for?
Offloading AFOs are often used for conditions including:
- Arthritis
- Osteoarthritis
- Complex pain syndrome
- Skin ulcerations
- Foot and ankle fractures
- Charcot foot
- Osteochondritis dissecans
- Spina bifida
- Pre or post surgical intervention of the mid and hind foot
- Peripheral nerve injuries
This list of conditions is not exhaustive. If you are unsure if you would be suitable for a Offloading AFO please contact us to discuss.
What are the benefits of Offloading AFO?
There are many benefits that come from using a Offloading AFO. These include:
- Offloads the foot and ankle
- Relieves pressure and pain
- Provides a safe environment for wound care
- Improved and more fluid walking
- Improves ulcer healing times
There are many benefits using a Offloading AFO to find out more please contact us to discuss.
What types of Offloading AFO is available?
Types of Offloading AFOs that may be used include:
- DH Offloading Walker
- Carbon Fibre Offloading Device
- Zero G AFO